Agriculture and Food Authority

The Authority is the successor of former regulatory institutions in the sector that were merged into Directorates under the Authority, with the commencement of Crops Act, 2013 on 1st August 2014, including Coffee Board of Kenya, Kenya Sugar Board, Coconut Development Authority, Cotton Development Authority, Sisal Board of Kenya, Pyrethrum Board of Kenya and Horticultural Crops Development Authority.

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Eldoret National Show

AFA hosted Kesses MP Hon. CPA Rutto Julius at the ongoing Eldoret National Show. This year’s theme is “Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Trade Initiatives for Sustainable Economic Growth”. #TukutaneEldoretShow

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Our Licensing processes are now fully automated

You can click on this link to access the portal.


At the Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), we are passionate about driving Kenya’s agricultural transformation by fostering growth in the scheduled crops sector. Our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan is focused on improving productivity, enhancing market access, and developing a robust regulatory framework that promotes sustainable economic growth. We are dedicated to ensuring food security and boosting the livelihoods of Kenyan farmers through the adoption of innovative farming practices and strategic partnerships. By empowering farmers and stakeholders, we strive to build a resilient agricultural sector that contributes to national development.

Join us in our mission to transform agriculture in Kenya. Explore how we are enhancing crop value chains, driving economic development, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Scan the QR code to access and download our full strategic plan and discover the impactful initiatives we are undertaking to secure a brighter future for Kenya’s agriculture.

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AFA Strategic plan 2023-2027 QR code

Quick Highlights

Our Directorates

AFA Horticulture Directorate

Horticulture Directorate

AFA Nuts and Oil Directorate

Nuts & Oil Directorate

AFA Food Directorate

Food Directorate



Coffee Beans

Coffee Directorate


Fibre Crops Directorate