The mandate of the Coffee Directorate is to develop, promote and regulate the coffee industry in Kenya as per the Crops Act 2013.
- Issue certificates or licences for independent coffee cupping laboratories, liqueurs, warehousemen, buyers, and movement permits for purchased clean coffee, and regulate imports and exports of coffee
- Register coffee dealers
- Co-ordinate capacity building activities for players in the coffee value chain
- Develop, oversee and enforce as the case may be, the national regulations, industry code of practice and other quality standards in the coffee industry
- Collect, collate and maintain a database and disseminate information on the coffee industry
- Conduct local and international coffee market intelligence and promotional activities including the application of the Kenya Coffee Mark of Origin
- Establish linkages with various government agencies and research institutions
- Develop and promote policies and strategies for the coffee industry
- Recommend general guidelines for interaction between various players in the coffee industry
- Promote the development of regional appellations for Kenyan coffee
- Develop, oversee and enforce as the case may be the coffee industry standards and industry code of practice in collaboration with the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

Our Mission
“To develop, promote and regulate coffee value chain for sustainable economic growth and transformation.”
Our Vision
A world-class coffee industry regulator for improved livelihoods.
Our Core Values
- Customer focus
- Teamwork
- Integrity
- Innovativeness
- Professionalism
Verify Your Coffee Mark of Origin
Use this tool to easily confirm the authenticity of your Coffee Mark of Origin, including mark status, owner details, and brand information.