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Market Research & Product Development

The primary objective of MR & PD is to conduct market research and product development activities that help farmers and other industry stakeholders to better understand their markets, identify new opportunities, and develop products that meet their customers' needs.

MR & PD plays a crucial role in promoting innovation and growth in the agriculture industry by conducting market research and developing new products and services, MR & PD helps industry stakeholders to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of their market built around the industry.

Market Research & Product Development Department
  1. Undertake consumer education campaigns in local and international markets.
  2. Build capacity of value chain players on value addition
  3. Build capacity of value chain players on market requirements, trade agreements and existing opportunities
  4. Collect and collate data on coffee imports, exports and domestic sales;
  5. Facilitate value addition and product development in the coffee sub-sector.