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Fibre Crops Directorate is a Directorate under Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) which was established under Section 3 of the Agriculture and Food Authority in 2014 following the operationalization of the Crops Act, 2013 that repealed the Acts Cotton Act, (Cap 335 of 1990) and Sisal Industry Act, (No. 77 of 1946). The Fibre Crops Directorate was assumed the functions of the Sisal Board of Kenya and Cotton Development Authority.

Fibre Crops Directorate plays a crucial role in promoting the development of the cotton and sisal value chains in Kenya and ensuring they remain a vital contributor to the country's economy. The Directorate is responsible for regulating, implementing policies and strategies to enhance the production, processing and marketing of cotton and sisal. The Fibre Crops Directorate works closely with other Government agencies, Sisal factories, Ginneries, Textile Cloth mills, farmers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the sisal and cotton industries in Kenya operates efficiently and sustainably.


Our Mission.

"To sustainably develop and promote fibre crops industry value chains through effective regulation for economic growth and transformation. ”.

Our Vision.

A world class fibre industry regulator.

Our Core Values.

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Customer focus
  • Team work
  • Innovativeness