Notice To All Exporters of Beans and Peas In Pod

Notice To All Exporters of Beans and  Peas In Pod

The Horticultural Crops Directorate together with industry stakeholders has noted the increase of interceptions of Kenyan Beans and Peas in pod by the EU due to exceedance of pesticide residue with a lot of concern. Kenya may face stricter import measures if the trend continues which will impact negatively the strides made by the Horticulture sector.

In order to safeguard our export market, the Directorate has instituted measures to minimize the interceptions by enforcing compliance with the National Horticulture Standard and Horticulture Regulations. All exporters of Fresh beans and peas in Pod are therefore notified pursuant to the provisions of section 16(1) and section 19(1) of the Horticulture Regulations 2020 that:

  1. They will be required to ensure that their farms (including outgrowers) are Certified at the bare minimum to the National Horticulture Standard (KS 1758 2016: Part 2) by 31st October 2022.
  2. For purposes of supporting compliance to production sites certification stipulated above (1 ), should belong to a recognized industry Association.

Subsequently, Exporters of Beans and Peas in pod will be required to demonstrate compliance to the Directorate by 1st November 2022 failure to which their dealership for beans and peas in pod will be revoked.

For further clarification, contact the Head of Directorate by emailing


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