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Regulation & Compliance

Our Regulation & Compliance Development services are executed by is a specialized external stakeholder support department that that plays a critical role in ensuring that Food Crops sub-sector players comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.

The primary objective of R & C is to is to oversee compliance with regulations, codes of conduct, and standards that relate to the sub-sector.

R & C plays a vital role in promoting responsible and sustainable practices in the Food Crops subsector By ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, codes of conduct, and standards, R & C helps to protect the stakeholders, promote fair labour practices, and ensure the quality and safety of food crops and food crops produce.

Regulation & Compliance Department
  1. Promotion of best practices by regulating the production, transportation, processing, marketing, grading, storage, collection, and warehousing of food crops and food produce.
  2. Coordination of development and enforcement of regulations governing scheduled food crops.
  3. Registration and licensing of dealers in food crops value chains
  4. Facilitation of international trade through export and import clearance
  5. Enforcement of standards in the food crops sub-sector in order to ensure food safety
  6. Conduction of inspections and compliance audit for standards in stakeholder premises.
  7. Development and review of the food crops produce Standards and Codes of Practices in collaboration with the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
  8. Carrying out appropriate measures to ensure safety in the domestic food supply.
  9. Participation in the formulation of policies and guidelines for scheduled food crops.
  10. Capacity build County governments’ officers on matters relating to regulations and compliance to enable them to discharge their duties effectively
  11. Checking and evaluation of conformity of the food product imports into the country.
  12. Promote self-regulation among the various categories of dealers along the value chain in line with relevant regulations