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Our Corporate Services

The Authority is Composed of Seven (7) Directorates and a Corporate Service Department which reports directly to the Director General.

The Directorates are further divided in to Regulation & Compliance, Technical & Advisory Services, Market Research & Product Development.

Corporate Services Department implements AFA’s Corporate Strategies and provides overall management of all Human Resource Development, Finance, Supply Chain, Corporate Communication and Administration, Legal Services, Regional Coordination Offices, Risk & Internal Audit, Corporate Planning, Strategy, and Enterprise Risk Management Department and Information Communication and Technology processes and systems.

Office of the Director General
The Director-General is answerable to the Board of Directors and Principal Secretary, State Department for Agricultural Research and Crop Development.
  1. Subject to the direction of the Board, responsible for the day to day management of the Authority;
  2. In consultation with the Board, responsible for the direction of the affairs and transactions of the Authority, the exercise, discharge and performance of its objectives, functions and duties, and the general administration of the Authority;
  3. The secretary of the Board.
Finance Department
  1. Developing, maintaining and reviewing the financial systems of the Authority;
  2. Formulating the Financial Policies and Procedures of the Authority;
  3. Collecting, Recording, Management and Accounting for the funds of the Authority;
  4. Production of periodical management financial reports as required by the Agriculture and Food Authority Act 2013 and statutory annual financial reports on the basis of IPSAS;
  5. Investment of surplus funds, Treasury and working Capital Management;
  6. Formulate the Authority’s financial strategy and coordinate preparation of annual budgets for resource allocation;
  7. Advise management and the Board on all policies and strategies of financial planning and management;
  8. Undertake financial assessments and assist in business development;
  9. Formulate and continuous review of internal controls systems for risk management;
  10. Ensure compliance with government financial policies & circulars and statutory requirements touching on financial activities including compliance on tax and statutory payments requirements; and
  11. Coordinate financial audits and ensure implementation of recommendations
Corporate Planning, Strategy and Enterprise Risk Management Department
  1. Develop the Authority’s short and long-term strategic objectives and providing annual planning support for the Directorates and Departments of AFA;
  2. In consultation with the Board, responsible for the direction of the affairs and transactions of the Authority, the exercise, discharge and performance of its objectives, functions and duties, and the general administration of the Authority;
  3. Harmonize the work plans of AFA Directorates and Departments to promote synergies and optimal use of shared resources;
  4. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of the Authority activities as guided by the Governments development agenda, AFA Strategic Plan, the Annual Performance Contract and Annual Work Plans;
  5. Harmonize the work plans of AFA Directorates and Departments to promote synergies and optimal use of shared resources;
  6. Collect, collate, analyze and disseminate data on scheduled crops; and maintain a database for the Authority;
  7. Provide research and analytical support, through the deployment of various statistical tools, for the upgrading of the scheduled crops value chains;
  8. Monitor market prices for export and local produce;
  9. Carry out market intelligence in the local and export market;
  10. Disseminate market information;
  11. Negotiate and interpret regional and international trade protocols/agreements as relates to scheduled crops;
  12. Develop the Authority’s performance contract and coordinate quarterly reporting and annual evaluation;
  13. In liaison with other functional areas of the Authority, de-risk the operations of AFA through facilitating the identification, monitoring, and evaluation of risk exposure relating to governance, information systems and all areas of operations and advise management accordingly; and
  14. Advise and coordinate the implementation of business process re-engineering initiatives.
Human Resource Development and Administration Department
  1. Develop and implement Human Resource Management and Administration policies, strategies and plans;
  2. Coordinate implementation of human resource management functions including employee resourcing, training and development, employee performance management systems, compensation and benefits schemes, employee relations and welfare, human resource administration, Human Resource Management Information System;
  3. Carry out and implement recommendations of human resource and administration surveys so as to improve the work conditions of the Authority.
  4. Develop and implement strategies for creating a high performing organizational culture;
  5. Develop and implement the Authority’s code of conduct and ethics;
  6. Oversee management of workplace environments, equipment, and practices, in order to ensure compliance with safety standards and government regulations; and
  7. Review and update security policies and procedures and ensure full implementation.
Risk and Audit Department
  1. Develop and coordinating implementation of audit strategies, policies, and procedures to ensure achievement of the Authority’s objectives;
  2. Prepare and coordinate the implementation of the risk-based annual audit plan in consultation with the Audit Committee of the Board;
  3. Prepare audit reports on completion of each assignment so as to ensure timely issuance to Management for implementation of recommended actions;
  4. Monitor progress and effectiveness of action taken to implement audit recommendations received from both internal and external audits;
  5. Carry out special audits/investigations as the need arise;
  6. Prepare and present quarterly audit reports to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee of the Board;
  7. Review and update security policies and procedures and ensure full implementation.
  8. Review the effectiveness of the financial and non-financial performance management systems of the entities;
  9. Assess compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and procedures;
  10. Provide secretariat duties to the Audit Committee of the Board;
  11. Evaluate the performance of staff in the Department to ascertain efficiency and effectiveness in work performance in meeting the objectives of the function; and
  12. Develop budgets and work plans to match operational requirements.
Company Secretary and Legal Affairs Department
  1. Shall serve as Secretary to the Board;
  2. Provide guidance to the Board on their duties and responsibilities and on matters of governance;
  3. Assist the Board in carrying out; Board induction and training, Updating the Board and Committee charters, Preparation of Board work plans, Board evaluation, Governance audit, Implementation of the code of conduct and Ethics;
  4. Ensure that Board and Committee papers are circulated in advance of any meeting;
  5. Provide legal guidance on contractual and statutory obligations binding to the Organization and legal duties for the Board;
  6. Provide guidance on governance and adherence to statutory obligations;
  7. Facilitate the development of all Bills and Policies that have to bear on the Authority’s mandate;
  8. Establish and manage the Authority’s Securities Register for the custody and maintenance of securities, bonds or other proprietary instruments resulting from the Authority’s transactional activities and manage the Legal Registry, as required;
  9. Provide and interpret legal information, conducting training and disseminate appropriate legal requirements to staff;
  10. Manage, review, and monitor the progress of all outstanding litigation;
  11. Issue instructions, safeguard the Authority’s interests and ensuring that they are adequately defended before the courts and liaise with the Authority’s appointed Advocates with a view to ensuring they act in the Authority’s interest while handling cases on its behalf;
  12. Manage, review, and monitor the progress of all outstanding litigation;
  13. Ensure the Authority complies with constitutional, regulatory and all relevant laws in force through the provision of legal advisory services and efficiently manage contractual risks;
  14. Undertake an extensive review of different requests for approval, licenses both internal and external for purposes of ascertaining legal soundness, make appropriate recommendations and ensure proper implementation;
  15. Document and maintain a record of all enforcement and compliance assignments undertaken by the Authority’s personnel and develop legal accountability structures in relation to enforcement assignments;
  16. Legal drafting of the Authority’s codes, regulations, rules, guidelines, by-laws, and treaties;
  17. Continuously manage, review and updating of all the Authority’s codes, regulations, rules, guidelines, by-laws and treaties for consistency with each other, and also compliance with the National and County Legal Frameworks;
  18. Establish and manage the Authority’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism; and
  19. Develop the Authority’s proactive and preventive legal policies and strategies aimed at forestalling disputes, controversies, and litigation.
Information, Communication and Technology Section
  1. Develop and establish ICT policies, systems and innovations to support the implementation of business strategies and guiding the Authority on technology for future investments;
  2. Plan, develop, review and implement ICT security strategy, business continuity and disaster recovery plans that minimize risk of data loss, business disruption or breach of privacy of AFA data assets and information;
  3. Ensure compliance with established Information Communication Technology standards, procedures and regulations;
  4. Translate business strategy and plans into ICT Strategic and operational plans to ensure that all necessary tools, processes and systems are in place to meet the business requirements;
  5. Develop and provide procedures, tools and methods for data integrity assurance while overseeing the implementation of technology infrastructure in line with business plans and changing business requirements and technologies;
  6. Develop and maintain secure mobile money systems to enhance and protect revenue and cash flow;
  7. Develop and maintain an online authority portal that is fully interfaced with GOK Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS); and
  8. Establish and manage secure Local Area Networks and Wide Area Network for the organization.
Supply Chain Management Section
  1. Provide advisory/professional opinion on procurement matters to the Accounting officer to ensure compliance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015;
  2. Carry out procurement and disposal activities in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act 2015 and the Authority’s Procurement Manual and Policies;
  3. Prepare and implement the Authority’s Annual and medium-term Procurement Plans;
  4. Maintain and continually update the list of registered suppliers;
  5. Review and maintain all records of purchased goods, works and services, including costs, deliveries and inventories;
  6. Undertake market surveys of items in the procurement plan to ensure value for money;
  7. Review and update security policies and procedures and ensure full implementation.
  8. Manage stores and ensure the maintenance of optimal stock levels and carry out quarterly and annual stocktake;
  9. Prepare and submit statutory reports to the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA), National Treasury and other relevant authority and liaise with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority on various issues regarding public procurement and disposal of assets;
  10. Review the procurement needs of the organization from time to time;
  11. Coordinate the advertisement of procurement and disposal opportunities; and
  12. Contracts management.
Corporate Communication Section
  1. Formulate and implement the Authority’s Communications Strategy;
  2. Formulate the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy and coordinate implementation of CSR Programmes;
  3. Facilitate effective management of the AFA corporate brand and identity, including the brand manual, logo and tag line;
  4. Manage and coordinate media relations;
  5. Coordinate stakeholder relations;
  6. Coordinate customer care and service delivery, including customer inquiries and complaints management;
  7. Provide advisory on protocol issues;
  8. Provide advisory on a corporate advertisement and professional support on the placement of advertisements in appropriate media;
  9. Facilitate content creation, management and dissemination on the ICT platforms, including AFA website and social networks;
  10. Coordinate event organization and management, including trade fairs and exhibitions.
Regional Coordination Section
  1. Exercise delegated powers on behalf of the Authority and performance of its functions as shall be necessary in the discharge of its mandate in that county;
  2. Exercise such powers and perform such functions as an inspector may exercise or perform under the Crops Act;
  3. Liaise with the county executive committee in the discharge of such functions in accordance with the Crops Act;
  4. Supervise County officers and administration of county offices;
  5. Enter and inspect at all reasonable times and upon production of such authority to any person so requesting any land, buildings or vehicles; occupied by the holder of a manufacturing licence issued to or a person registered under the Crops Act; and
  6. Make such inspection and enquiries as the Authority may deem necessary for ascertaining whether the provisions of the Crops Act or the terms and conditions of the respective licence or registration are being complied with.