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Regulation & Compliance Department

Our Regulation & Compliance Development Department is a specialized external stakeholder support department that that plays a critical role in ensuring that sugar industry players comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.

The primary objective of R & C is to is to oversee compliance with regulations, codes of conduct, and standards that relate to the sugar industry.

R & C plays a crucial role in plays a vital role in promoting responsible and sustainable practices in the sugar industry By ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, codes of conduct, and standards, R & C helps to protect the stakeholders, promote fair labour practices, and ensure the quality and safety of sugar products.

Regulation & Compliance Department
  1. Participate in the development, review and enforcement of sugar industry legislations, regulations, standards, guidelines and procedures;
  2. Registration and licensing of sugar industry players;
  3. Conduct compliance audits and inspections of industry players and products.
  4. Conduct market surveillance to ensure compliance to sugar product standards and trade practices.