Review of Molasses Procurement Permit Fees

Review of molasses permit fees

Following concerns and feedback from molasses stakeholders and to increase customer satisfaction in equitable distribution and access to final molasses, the Directorate has reviewed molasses procurement permit fees with effect from 1st July 2022 as follows:

  1. Local molasses procurement permit fees, chargeable annually, shall be Kshs.500 per tonne up to 10 tonnes and Kshs.300 per tonne for amounts above 10 tonnes up to a maximum of Kshs.400,000 for molasses drawn monthly. The permit shall set the monthly procurement quantities,
  2. Molasses for export permits shall attract fees at double the local rates,
  3. A molasses import/export registration shall attract an annual fee of Kshs.100,000,
  4. After registration, the molasses Importer/Exporter shall pay an additional Kshs.100,000 for the annual import/export permit (licence).

The Directorate is in the process of reviewing the Molasses Distribution Policy for which your participation will be sought in due course. Kindly note that the above rates may further change with the reviewed policy.

Attached is the revised Molasses Procurement Permit Application/Endorsement Form, for use in your subsequent molasses permit application.

Further, be advised that all molasses permits are proceeds online at AFA IMIS portal;

Willis Audi
Ag. DIrector

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