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Technical Advisory Services

Our Technical Advisory Services are offered by a specialized external stakeholder support department that provides technical expertise and advisory services to support the agricultural production and sustainability of the Miraa, Pyrethrum and other Industrial Crops sub-sector.

The primary objective of TAS is to provide agricultural advisory services to farmers, extension workers, and other stakeholders in the Miraa, Pyrethrum and other Industrial Crops sub-sector value chain.

TAS plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable agricultural production and improving the livelihoods of the sugar sector farmers. By providing technical expertise and guidance, the TAS helps to ensure that the sub-sector value chain is productive, profitable, and sustainable.

Technical Advisory Services Department
  1. Promote best practices in production, collection, packaging, transportation, and storage of Miraa, Pyrethrum and Other Industrial Crops value chains ;
  2. Conduct capacity needs assessment in the Miraa, Pyrethrum and Other Industrial Crops value chain growing counties;
  3. Develop the capacity of County Government Extension staff and other stakeholders on various technical aspects on Miraa, Pyrethrum and Other Industrial Crops value chains;
  4. Develop and review Training of Trainers (TOTs) curriculum and training modules on Miraa, pyrethrum and Other Industrial Crops;
  5. Develop and review technical materials (Handbooks, booklets, pictorials, charts, and brochures, etc.) for miraa, pyrethrum and other industrial crops;
  6. Collect, collate data and maintain the database on Miraa, Pyrethrum and Other Industrial Crops produce;