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Market Research & Product Development

Our Market Research & Product Development service is executed by a specialized external stakeholder support department that plays a critical role in supporting the Horticultural Crops subsector's growth and development.

The primary objective of MR & PD is to conduct market research and product development activities that help farmers and other industry stakeholders to better understand their markets, identify new opportunities, and develop products that meet their customers' needs.

Our primary objective is to undertake market research and to promote product and market diversification of Horticultural Crops.

Market Research & Product Development Department
  1. Carry out research on market opportunities to inform product development, market expansion, and diversification, in both domestic and export markets.
  2. Collect and collate horticultural data in collaboration with stakeholders such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, and Kenya Revenue Authority among others.
  3. Monitor market prices of export and local produce, for advisory purposes.
  4. Coordinate, organize, and participate in local and international shows, trade fairs and exhibitions to promote horticultural products.
  5. Provide stakeholders with Sector information, for example, monthly updates to the Central Bank of Kenya.
  6. Promote and advise on strategies on value addition prior to the export of horticultural crops.
  7. Oversee the dissemination of information via multiple channels, advise on protocol and advertising, and manage content on the organization's digital platforms.