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Technical Advisory Services

Our Technical Advisory Services Department service is executed by a specialized external stakeholder support department that provides technical expertise and advisory services to support the agricultural production and sustainability of the Horticultural Crops subsector.

The primary objective of TAS is to provide agricultural advisory services to farmers, extension workers, and other stakeholders in the Horticultural Crops subsector.

TAS plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable agricultural production and improving the livelihoods of the subsector farmers.

Technical Advisory Services Department
  1. Formulate general and specific policies for the development of scheduled crops;
  2. Establish linkages with various government and private research institutions to conduct studies and develop research geared towards the promotion of the production of scheduled crops;
  3. Collaborate with research and training institutions in disseminating research findings;
  4. Develop training and technical materials on various products and aspects of production and marketing
  5. Build capacity of the Counties on new appropriate innovations and technologies for the development of respective value chains;
  6. Conduct farmers’ training programs aimed at increasing their knowledge on production technologies and prospects for various types of crops, through farmer training institutions;
  7. Establish experimental stations and seed farms for the development of varieties suitable to the agro-climatic conditions of the area and markets that will provide greatest value added to scheduled crops;
  8. Build capacity of Counties on the management of emerging pests and diseases that affect production and marketing of crops;
  9. Ensure secure domestic food supply for the country through promoting increased food crops production.
  10. Devise and maintain a system for regularly obtaining information on current and future production and prices for advisory and planning purposes
  11. In consultation with the relevant institutions, advise the government on the introduction, safe transfer, handling and use of genetically modified species of plants and organisms in the country