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Mandate & Functions

The Directorate is mandated to develop, promote and regulate scheduled nuts and oil crops as per the crops act 2013 and The Crops( Nuts and Oil Crops) Regulations 2020.

The functions of the Directorate are:

  • To administer the Crops Act No. 16 of 2013 and the Crops( Nuts and Oil Crops) Regulations 2020.
  • Promote best practices in, and regulate the production, processing, marketing, grading, storage, collection, transportation and warehousing of Nuts & Oil Crops as may be provided for under the Crops Act and its subsidiary legislation;
  • Collect, collate data and maintain an up-to-date database for the Nuts & Oil Crops value chains;
  • Determine research priorities in the Nuts & Oil Crops Subsector and advice the relevant institutions.
  • Coordinate registration and licensing of Nuts & Oil Crops growers and dealers as provided for in the Crops Act and its subsidiary legislation;
  • Initiate formulation, review and implementation of general and specific policies, procedures, guidelines and regulations for the development and trading of Nuts & Oil Crops;
  • Facilitate marketing of Nuts & Oil Crops through collection and dissemination of market information;
  • Coordinate capacity building of County Governments and other value chain players aimed at increasing their knowledge on production technologies, and market potential and prospects;
  • Coordinate enforcement of standards and the regulatory framework through inspections, audits and surveillances;
  • Coordinate establishment of standards of Nuts & Oil Crops to ensure competitive trading and consumer safety;
  • Promote fairness, efficiency and competitiveness in the trading of Nuts & Oil Crops produce and products;
  • Advise on strategies for value addition for the Nuts & Oil Crops produce for optimization of returns; and
  • Recommend general industry agreements between farmers and processors of Nuts & Oil Crops produce and products;
Cashews and Oil

Our Mission.

“To sustainably develop and promote scheduled Nuts and Oil crops value chains through effective regulation for economic growth.”

Our Vision.

To be a World Class Regulator in the Nuts and Oil Crops Sector

Our Core Values.

  • Customer focus
  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Innovativeness
  • Professionalism

We Have a Seedling Distribution Program!

The Program aims to promote sustainable agriculture, food security, and economic development.