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Peanuts are majorly grown in Homabay, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kakamega, Vihiga, Migori, Kisumu, Kisii, Bungoma, Siaya and Busia counties with Homabay and Migori Counties accounting for the highest amounts of peanuts produced. However, the crop can be found in other parts of the country such as Baringo, Kwale, Lamu, Taita Taveta, and Trans Nzoia counties albeit in small quantities.

Whereas, there are substantial quantities of peanuts produced in the country, the volumes are not commercially significant to address the country’s consumption requirements. The traditional producing counties in Nyanza and Western regions have over the years cut down their production as a result of land fragmentation and competition from staple food enterprises such as maize and beans. Coupled with an unreliable seed multiplication and distribution system, peanuts production continues to decline. The area under peanuts stands at 13190 hectares, with the yield being 13,138 MT and the average farm gate prices, averaged KES 150/ Kg. (NOCD Yearbook of Statistics 2022).

As part of the interventions to increase production and. Productivity, county governments in the production zones, have been supplying subsidized farm inputs, such as fertilizers to reduce the cost of production. Other efforts towards improving productivity include training of community seed producers by development partners in collaboration with extension service providers. The Directorate has also been carrying out value addition trainings and providing linkages among value chain players.