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Market Research & Product Development

The primary role of the Market Research & Product Development Department is to promote the Nuts and Oil Crops value chains by undertaking market research and business & trade advisory services.

Functions of Market Research & Product Development
  1. Conduct national, regional and international market intelligence and disseminate findings to the nuts and oil crops value chain players;
  2. Develop appropriate product development and marketing strategies for the nuts & oil crops produce and products;
  3. Capacity build value chain players (manufacturers, traders and agents) to comply with market requirements
  4. Provide trade promotional services in local, regional and international markets
  5. Provide linkages between value chain players for market access and efficiency.
  6. Initiate and promote value addition and product development in response to market requirements within the nuts and oil crops subsector.
  7. Collect & collate data and maintain a database on processing and market performance of nuts and oil crops;