Thousands of Farmers to Benefit from Free Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seed distribution

Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA), through Nuts and Oil Crops Directorate, is currently conducting a series of Barazas at the ward level in collaboration across 15 County Governments, namely; Nyeri, Meru, Makueni, Taita Taveta, Machakos, Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu, Makueni, Uasin Gishu, Trans nzoia, Nakuru, Homabay, Migori, Kakamega, Siaya and Bungoma. 

These forums are aimed at building the capacity of farmers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills for successful sunflower farming. As part of this initiative, farmers are also being issued with free sunflower seeds, providing them with both the tools and expertise needed to contribute to the national edible oil promotion program.

The project aligns with the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda, with the goal of reducing Kenya's dependency on edible oil imports. This move is intended to ease the pressure on the country’s foreign reserves, support employment creation, and promote agro-processing industries. Over 50,000 farmers are set to benefit from the free sunflower seeds, with up to 60,000 acres expected to be planted across the nation.

The Authority remains committed to ensuring that sunflower farming becomes a key driver of economic growth in line with Kenya's broader development goals.

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